I had to share this song I heard by J. Moss. I heard it a while back on "Sunday Best" and it immeadiately belssed me. It is a constant reminder to me that God's love for us is unconditional. Although, He may not always be pleased with out decisions and/or actions. He truly loves us through our good and bad. Luke 15:11-32 is a perfect reminder of God's compassion, grace and unconditional love for His flock...
20 So he got up and went to his father.
“But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him.
21 “The son said to him, ‘Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son.’
22 “But the father said to his servants, ‘Quick! Bring the best robe and put it on him. Put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet. 23 Bring the fattened calf and kill it. Let’s have a feast and celebrate. 24 For this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.’ So they began to celebrate.
God and the Heavens celebrate when we find our way home. My Grandparents generally are in bed early and the house is locked up by 9pm. I remember when I started going back to church, I was taing classes on Tuesday evenings and I would stop by and say hi after my classes. They started to stay awake to wait for me to come by because they were so excited to see me back on fire for the Lord. There was no judgement or anything, just praise and encouragement. It became our thing for a while and it was a blessing to me. It was just another way the God showed me that He loves me and has never stopped and He has placed people all around me that love me and care for me regardless. God is love! When I have a bad day or lose my temper (*gasp* I'm not perfect!) I find so much comfort in this song because it's another reminder to me that God loves me anyway. Even while others are judging "the Christian girl" that is only human...God love me and all of His flock through it all. We are truly his bride (no gender)...in sickness, health, better, worse and everything in between. I am so blessed by the song the the Holy Spirit put in J Moss' heart. I'm glad the Lord loves me (and you) through good and bad!
"Good & Bad"
You loved me through my good
You loved me through my bad
You loved me through my good
You loved me through my bad
You didn't erase my future
Because of my past
I'm glad You loved me through my good and my bad
(through my good) and my bad
You loved me through my good
You loved me through my bad
You didn't erase my future (hallelujah)
Because of my past (thank Ya')
I'm glad You loved me through my good and my bad
You loved me through my good and my bad
(so glad you loved me Lord)
You loved me through my good
(never took Your love away)
You loved me through my bad
You didn't erase my future
(thank God U didn't write me off)
Because of my past
(I even did some things I know You despise God)
You loved me through my good (& my bad yeah)
You loved me through my good and my bad
(God I know sometimes we make You ashamed)
You loved me through my good
(Thank You for never giving us whaat we deserved God)
You loved me through my bad
(after falling... again & again)
You didn't erase my future
(Every blessing & request that You've granted Lord)
Because of my past
(You could've withheld but mercy intervined)
You loved me through my good
(through the rebellion)
You loved me through my good
(through all of my short-coming)
You loved me through my good
(& this my favorite right here)
You keep on... Lovin' me
(can somebody help me)
You keep on... Lovin' me
You keep on... Lovin' me
U keep right on Lovin' me
(through the good and the bad)
You keep on... Lovin' me
(You never stop lovin' me)
(what You are to me)
You keep on... Lovin' me
(no man could ever be)
(You see through every mistake)
You keep on... Lovin' me
(Through every stumble You prove to Your children You always be there)
(through every slip)
You keep on... Lovin' me
(through all of my issues)
(You could've been finished)
You keep on... Lovin' me
(You could've been gone)
(But You put up with me)
You keep on... Lovin' me
(kept on teaching me)
(kept on loving me)
You keep on... Lovin' me
(yeah yeah)
(what I love about You)
You keep on... Lovin' me
(Is Your love runs deep)
(You gave Your life)
You keep on... Lovin' me
(For a wretch like me)
(Who else would've done that)
You keep on... Lovin' me
(Who else could do that)
(Nobody but Jesus)
You keep on... Lovin' me
(nobody but Jesus)
(Through all my good) and my bad
I'm glad You loved me through my good and bad